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Duke City Sound

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Site Map of the Duke City Sound Web Site
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Home Welcome to the Duke City Sound web site. The Duke City Sound directed by Farris Collins has wowed it's audiences with enthusiastic and riveting a capella singing. Being a steadfast member of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) in the Rocky Mountain District (RMD) since 1998. Based out of Bernalillo, New Mexico (a suburb of Albuquerque, New Mexico), we've attracted members from as far away as Japan.
History Take a quick peek at the history of the Duke City Sound.
Present This will give you a brief recap of our mission statement and a little about our director and assistant director.
Future We have several activities that our fans like to know more about. This is where you can view the up-and-coming events.
Quartet Corner The society was founded by a quartet and will continue to be an integral part of our organization. See who the current quartets are.
Youth Outreach We perform many public services that help train and engage the youth. Here are a few to ponder about.
Barbershop Links Upon the advice of many of our members and fans we have come across many websites that may interest you listed here, especially if you like what you see within this website.
Barbershop Shop Many people have requested a few things such as music CDs or spirit wear. We've decided to offer them to you as well. All proceeds help support our organization as well as the programs we provide for the youth.
Terms of Use Some of the rules and regulations for using the Barbershop Shop.
Help Center FAQs on using the Barbershop Shop and problems that may rarely occur.
Track Your Order Are you wondering on the status of your order? Wonder no further.
Return Policy What we can and cannot do. A must read before purchasing anything from the Barbershop Shop.
Direct Order Best way to reach us for order or Barbershop Shop related questions.
Music Search This is a completely new idea that will definitely help all choruses, VLQs and quartets in finding the music that would best suit them. It's a search engine for society and arranged music for men or women or both.
Ask The Expert Viewing the website as the author had intended can be a daunting task. Here are some tips that can help with that purpose in mind.
4Harmony You've heard of eHarmony... Well, this is a spin off of that. Looking for a pickup quartet? Looking for a tenor? Missing a quality baritone? Check here to see if you would match up with anyone.
Chatter Box The Chatter Box was intended for those that have signed our guest book to offer their opinions and comments here.
Support There are a few ways to support our organization. First, you could become a patron. Second, you could sponsor a youth, member or student. Third, you could purchase from our Barbershop Shop. Fourth, you can enjoy one of our shows. Lastly, you could join our organization.
Members This will take members to the MEMBERS ONLY portion of our website. It contains learning tracks, riser configuration and a multitude of other tools.
Contact Us Trying to contact one of the chorus? This may help in determining which person you need to take to.
Guest Book This is how we can stay in contact with you. Whether it's for the Chatter Box, Quarterly Newsletter or Periodic E-mail Bulletin.
Join Us Details on where to come for joining us.

Home - History - Present - Future - Quartet Corner - Youth Outreach - Volunteer
Barbershop Links - Barbershop Shop - Music Search - Ask The Expert - 4Harmony - Chatter Box
Support - Members - Quartets - Contact Us - Guest Book - Join Us - Site Map

© 2025 Duke City Sound, an Albuquerque non-profit barbershop organization
Website last reviewed June 2, 2015
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